Many seasoned hunters claim there is no greater thrill in the hunting world than calling a giant rutting bull within a few steps of your rifle’s muzzle or the sharp end of an arrow.

Big Yukon moose dead head found while sheep hunting
At Yukon Stone & Moose Creek Outfitters, we have a very under-hunted population of moose, which means many large bulls die each year never having encountered a human. Combine this with our effort to concentrate nearly all of our moose hunting during peak rut times and you have the potential to harvest a bull of your dreams.

Early season bull in velvet taken in August
We conduct these 12-day hunts from horseback or by boat on lakes or by jet boat on rivers and our hunts have a very high success rate and a history of nearly alway providing an opportunity to harvest a mature bull.
Upon harvesting a moose, you should expect to spend a minimum of one full day packing meat and taking care of the trophy before you’ll be able to pursue additional game animals.

Big drop-tine bull taken from spike camp during rut
As most of our moose hunting occurs later in the season, these hunts are often spent in “wilderness comfort” out of one of our cabin camps, however, hunters must still be prepared to spend time in a tented spike camp in order to maximize opportunity for a trophy bull.
If you want a true northern adventure in pursuit of the king of the North, Yukon Stone & Moose Creek Outfitters has what you are looking for.
Click here to view a PDF detailing hunt pricing and other important information.
Early season ram
South Central Yukon is the northernmost boundary of the Stone Sheep range and our concession contains well over half of the Yukon’s entire Stone sheep population of roughly 3000 animals. In our opinion, this region of the Stone sheep range produces the most beautiful of all the many color variations found in Stone rams.

Late season ram
Characteristic of these Yukon Stone rams, their color will range from grey to near black on their rump and body to a salt and pepper color on the shoulders to a very light colored neck and head. Color will also change a bit as the season progresses with rams becoming darker as their hair lengthens and their coats thicken in preparation for colder weather. These photos show the range of coloration typical of the Stone rams in this are.
Your hunt will begin when you land on one of our lakes or remote bush strips to meet your guide and in most cases a string of horses to assist in your adventure. From there you will ride, climb, and glass until you find a mature ram that is worthy of your wall. Needless to say, this type of adventure is not for the faint of heart and it is importat that you arrive in good physical shape, ready to hunt ( click here for fitness info. )

Mid season ram
While many rams are killed in the first few days, there is a reason these hunts are two weeks long and as such, you should be prepared to hunt hard from day one to the last day as we expect everyone who books a hunt to have a solid opportunity to kill a mature ram. We conduct four hunts for Stone Sheep beginning August 1 thru the middle of September. Each of these hunts will produce rams equally well, so let your own schedule and secondary game preference (mid aug to early sep is preferred for moose and caribou add-on) guide your hunt timing choice. As all of our hunts begin to fill up 2-3 years in advance, we recommend you plan well ahead of time to secure your preferred dates.
Whether you are a first time sheep hunter or a veteran of high mountain passes, Yukon Stone & Moose Creek Outfitters is the right place for you.
Click here to view a PDF detailing hunt pricing and other important information.
World-Class bull on the hoof about to shed his velvet
These hunts are conducted 1x1 in accordance with the Yukon law for all big game hunting. We offer horseback or backpack trips depending on your preference and these spot and stalk hunts can be done also by boat as a couple of our lakes get frequent visits by large bulls on the shore. Unlike several other species of Caribou, Mountain Caribou are more resident and therefore do not migrate in herds of hundreds or thousands. As such, you will be hunting smaller groups of 20-40 during the rut, and often times individual bulls, if it is in the early season.

Great early season double-shovel bull caribou in full velvet
The caribou herds in the Pelly Mountains have long been described and thought of as the largest genetically of the Mountain Caribou. In fact, the number one Boone & Crockett world-record Mountain Caribou was harvested in our hunting concession in 1988 and has a net score of almost 460 inches! The genetics here are some of the best anywhere. We consistently kill bulls scoring between 360 and 390, and also shoot bulls in the 400+ class every year.
We generally start to hunt the caribou at the end of August and into September when the horns are hard and they start to bunch up on the high mountain slopes and ridges.

Old hard-horned, late-season bull with a thick white mane
We continue to hunt them into the first week of October when you can really see their full white mains and white stripe sides on the mature bulls. Since the season opens on August 1, we also hunt caribou early for those who are looking for a bull with short, dark hair and antlers in full velvet. At this time the Caribou are in groups of 3-5 and are often high up on ridges with the sheep to keep a cool breeze on their antlers and the insects off their bodies. On these early hunts, be ready to hike and you will see Stone Sheep because they are at the same elevation this time of year. With all the different ways we have to chase these magnificent creatures, we can put together the right trip for whatever experience you desire.
Click here to view a PDF detailing hunt pricing and other important information.The bears in the Yukon tend to be on the more aggressive side than bears found in other areas of the North, as such these hunts have the ability to keep a hunter’s heart pounding and adrenaline rushing from beginning to end. Naturally, we prefer to keep everything as “uneventful” as possible but stalking these large bears often at close range is always an adventure.
We concentrate our grizzly hunting on the berries that grow on open slopes from August through mid-September while bears are very active trying to put on as much fat as possible in advance of the winter hibernation.
This can be a physical hunt and sometimes many stalks are needed to cut off, get above or catch up with these bruins. Bow hunters also take advantage of this method of hunting as the stalks are exciting and they have time to get set up.
Later in September, and into October we often hunt bears over gut piles of Moose and Caribou that have been harvested earlier. The Yukon is unique in allowing this type of hunting and it helps increase the probability of shooting a bear, and can make for an exciting hunt when you know a large bear is hitting a nearby carcass. This type of hunting also allows ample opportunity to determine size and sex of the animal, as we do our best to harvest mature boars.
We conduct 12-day 1x1 hunts and the majority of our bears will square between 6.5 feet and 7.5 feet with some old boars reaching 8' plus. In the fall the hides are in great shape and colors range from blonde to black and everything in-between. This hunt is one of the most rewarding and exciting hunts we offer. This hunt can be backpack or horseback to suit different hunting preferences.